Initial configurations ---------------------- Authenticate $ . debian_openstack_installer/admin-openrc verify network agents are ready $ openstack network agent list Create network and subnet: ------------------------- $ openstack network create --share --external \ --provider-physical-network provider \ --provider-network-type flat provider $ openstack subnet create --network provider \ --allocation-pool start=,end= \ --dns-nameserver --gateway \ --subnet-range provider enable icmp and ssh ports $ openstack security group rule create --proto icmp default $ openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22 default OpenStack keypair ----------------- Generate a key pair: $ ssh-keygen -q -N "" $ openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/ mykey $ openstack keypair list create cpu flavor ----------------- $ openstack flavor create --id 0 --vcpus 2 --ram 1024 --disk 10 m1.nano Debian OpenStack image ---------------------- download debian openstack image upload $ openstack image create \ --container-format bare \ --disk-format qcow2 \ --property hw_disk_bus=scsi \ --property hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi \ --property os_type=linux \ --property os_distro=debian \ --property os_admin_user=debian \ --property os_version='10' \ --public \ --file debian-10-openstack-amd64.qcow2 \ debian-10-openstack-amd64 create an instance ------------------ get network ID $ openstack network list +--------------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------+ | ID | Name | Subnets | +--------------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------+ | da5f9aa8-1bac-4aab-9931-0ce4d835783a | provider | eeeb4a46-8bb0-442b-b81c-20103c2d7f80 | +--------------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------+ copy ID as net-id $ openstack server create --flavor m1.nano \ --image debian-10-openstack-amd64 \ --nic net-id=da5f9aa8-1bac-4aab-9931-0ce4d835783a \ --security-group default \ --key-name mykey \ debianinstance verify $ openstack server list error duplicate SecurityGroups or server list failed ---------------------------------------------------- If you get error like "More than one SecurityGroup exists with the name 'default'." $ openstack security group list +--------------------------------------+---------+------------------------+----------------------------------+------+ | ID | Name | Description | Project | Tags | +--------------------------------------+---------+------------------------+----------------------------------+------+ | cd54c8c9-d754-434a-9f5c-807c3288fced | default | Default security group | 53c2118ffdbb4b6388611480c7c7a7c0 | [] | | f9151d2a-f49b-4828-9467-418d7cdfd1e8 | default | Default security group | 87b3104005904a2fbe18ad1a7ab601b3 | [] | +--------------------------------------+---------+------------------------+----------------------------------+------+ inspect which one you enabled icmp and port 22 using the following command $ openstack security group show cd54c8c9-d754-434a-9f5c-807c3288fced delete the other one $ openstack security group delete ID you may also specify security group id instead of name $ openstack server create --flavor m1.nano \ --image debian-10-openstack-amd64 \ --nic net-id=b2d69a6e-3a77-4d55-94fd-308558088a3d \ --security-group cd54c8c9-d754-434a-9f5c-807c3288fced \ --key-name mykey debianinstance You may need to delete other default security group. note: openstack server list may fail if multiple default profiles are present. login to the virtual server --------------------------- $ ssh debian@IP note: If you ssh before server is ready it might ask for password instead of using your ssh key. Wait until the server add your key after initial boot. You may install apache2/nginx for testing in vm. enable port 80 to allow access from other hosts. $ openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 80 default (better create a new security group instead of enabling port 80 for default profile) Dashboard login --------------- You may access dashboard: login: openstack pass: openstack Domain: default login: admin pass: ADMIN_PASS Domain: default